~12 "hands-on" CEU's for FL LMTs. CE Broker Tracking #20-303280~
Cost $295
Pay in full by April 15 for $20 discount!
$150 deposit required by April 15- balance due at time of event
Hours: 10:30 am- 5:30 pm both days (includes a 1- hour lunch break)
Singing bowls have the physiological effect of balancing the right and left hemispheres of the brain, inducing a meditative state, engaging the parasympathetic nervous system and increasing the production of melatonin and seratonin. Tibetan (Himalayan) singing bowls have been found to be helpful in dealing with the effects of chemotherapy, as well as depression, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and other stress-related autoimmune disorders. You will learn how to effectively integrate these ancient sound healing tools into both your personal practice, and/or your professional healing practice.
A large selection of high quality antique singing bowls will be available for purchase at the workshop. On Friday, May 17 there will be an introductory sound journey featuring Himalayan singing bowls from 7- 8:30 pm.
Recommended reading- Sounds of Healing by Dr. Mitchell Gaynor
Watch the video below for a concise explanation by the late Dr. Gaynor of how sound can help us to heal.