On Sunday I gave a concert at the Unity Church up the street from my sound healing center. The theme was "The Coming of the Light"- a musical representation of the dawning of the Christ Mind- primarily using gongs, crystal bowls, Tibetan singing bowls, chimes and Tibetan bells. It started with deep low tones with a very large crystal bowl, a gong, thunder drum and didgeridoo and gradually progressed to lighter and brighter sounds using the smaller bowls, bells and chimes.
It was a spontaneous creation, well thought out but mostly unrehearsed and clearly something that would never be played the same way twice. I felt it was coming together very nicely and I was quite happy with the unfoldment as I played- but there was one moment that completely took my breath away. It was a very quiet. I was playing one small Tibetan singing bowl with a little bit of water in it, with a violin bow. When I play it that way it makes a beautiful high-pitched sort of mewing sound with extremely high overtones and it is a very captivating sound.
And the sound of her voice surpassed the beauty of any sound that had come before in its utter and exquisite expression of joy.