News From the Netherlands

So for openers I will share this beautiful song my friend Paul Goudsmit turned me on to the other day. He and his partner Jane Tipping teach personal transformation workshops based on the principles of A Course in Miracles and they use a lot of music in their workshops. This is one of them. I was completely knocked out by it. So beautiful...

Beyond the "Beyond" (Para Gate!) I am having an amazing and very full time in Holland. Paul and Jane live in a small town called Soesterberg about 35 minutes by train from Amsterdam. I am still trying to get my sleeping thing worked out. The night before last I was exhausted but ended up being up until 4 a.m. regardless, totally unable to sleep. Even the Delta tuners didn't help, which are tuning forks that entrain the brainwaves to different vibrational states. The Delta tuner is for deep sleep and it usually works pretty well for me. But I was being faithful to my blog that night and worked on the computer until very late and I think it really whacked out my melatonin. I finally got up at 11:30 a.m. after being awakened twice by Paul, took a shower and we got on the train to Amsterdam.