Surprise, Surprise!

So, today's nudge on #yourturnchallenge- "tell us about a time when you surprised yourself." Today, right now, sitting down to write this blog and get it posted by midnight!!! I have barely a half hour to get it in under the wire. Internet was down for two days and I had to do yesterday's post on my iPhone. As I discussed yesterday, consistency is not my best friend. I am trying really hard to befriend it though!

Day #6 of Your Turn Challenge. It slipped my mind completely until 15 minutes ago- this is so good for me!

There are a few things, a very few things that I have done from start to finish. My two biggest accomplishments- going to 12-Step meetings every day for two years about 25 years ago which changed my life. A year after I got into recovery I began reading A Course in Miracles- a text of over 600 pages, a workbook with 365 lessons- each to be done daily for a year, and a third volume- a manual for teachers. I never thought when I picked up that book that I could possibly reach the end. I did. NA/AA changed my life. A Course in Miracles changed my mind. And as the Course says, "... by changing his mind, he has changed the most powerful device that was ever given him for change."

So I have actually surprised myself by my ability to follow through and accomplish some pretty big things in my life. I could actually go on from there but the clock is ticking! I do find it sort of funny though as I look at these fairly big challenges I faced in my life- like getting clean and sober- that I was apprehensive about whether I really had it in me to blog consistently 7 days in a row. Well, here it is Day 6 and I have surprised myself! Thank you for the challenge to show up for myself.