Once again, the day got away from me and i just looked at the clock and see that it is almost midnight. My daily blog challenge. Very busy couple of days. Woke up this a.m. to have the hutch of my dreams delivered to my house. Sounds silly... but at the age of 60 this is actually the first time that I have ever lived by myself without either my kids or a partner. Setting things up the way I want in a house that I love has been exciting for me- and in some ways scary... but all in all pretty wonderful.
The other supercool thing that I got to do tonight was to build a fire outdoors with my youngest son, Nicolas, and his son Jonah. The last time I built an outdoor fire was when Nic was 14 and we were camping out at Maggie Gulch outside of Durango, CO. I have pictures of us from that night. It was one of my best memories and now we did it again with Jonah, who is 13- not camping out but in my back yard. We didn't even have to go anywhere!
The pervasive awareness for me over the last 3 days goes back to what I was writing about a few days ago- the richness of life. This overwhelming sense of gratitude- and beyond that, gratitude for the opportunity and ability to experience gratitude. This is what the apparent experience of separation offers us. This is the gift.