Update From Holland

I have been in Holland for a week now- hard to believe I have less than two weeks left. It felt like I was going to be here for such a long time but now it seems to be flying by!

The days have been very full since I got here.

I wrote that this morning and then spent about 5 hours trying to figure out how I could upload so pictures to my blog. I installed Dropbox but haven't gotten any further than that. I did have a wonderful afternoon, doing a vocal practice from a class I recorded last January in the Bahamas with Siliva Nakkach. Along with it I did an Expressive Art Therapy exercise- basically putting the vocal exercise on a piece of paper and seeing what revealed itself. It was a very enjoyable exercise and I may incorporate some of it into this weekend's workshop.
Let's try this. At least you can see the pics on my Facebook page this way!