Hello! Yes, I know it's past January 1st already but I didn't start feeling like I was really in a new year until I woke up on my birthday 3 days ago. And I started doing a number of things to renew myself- a health commitment consisting of a cleansing diet and a simple exercise program (God knows I need it!), organizing the house after an accumulation of holiday clutter, a very short and simple meditation practice, picking up my Course in Miracles again and spending more time working with my various sound healing tools. I even brought some Himalayan singing bowls in the bathtub with me yesterday morning!
As I read my Course in Miracles lesson (in the tub) and did the subsequent meditation- "God's peace and joy are mine" (how appropriate!) I let two bowls float around in the tub which would bump into each other, creating beautiful sonorous tones and vibrations in the air as well as resonating through the water. (This is actually part of some exploration and research I am doing for a workshop I am going to teach in Florida in May on Hydrosonic Therapy, introducing the potential benefits of working with singing bowls in the water.)
The short of it is, I am feeling joyful! I don't use that word often or lightly. But I woke up on my birthday feeling somehow renewed on a very deep level. I didn't do anything to elicit it- it was just a spontaneous thing. Funny, because I never do New Year's resolutions but it's as if some inner resolution showed up simply showed up when I woke up that morning. In fact I actually sat up in bed and said out loud to myself, "Good morning! Happy birthday!" I had been feeling somewhat stuck, cluttered, disorganized and unmotivated. That has all changed and I am deeply grateful.