Have to make this short and sweet! Found out at the 11th hour last night that I could take an Expressive Art workshop at Salve Regina this weekend and have 80,000 things to do before that all starts up at 12:30 tomorrow. Feeling good and excited about all the things that are coming to the forefront. Today I was going through a stack of artwork that I did when I attended the Expressive Art Institute Facilitator Training at Salve in 2013. Pulling apart my combination studio/office space
I have been on the edge of a burst of creativity for the last week or so- feeling the urge but not quite stepping into it. I bought myself an easel and a bunch of canvases last week which I just put together two nights ago. My paints and a blank canvas are poised! Now I just have to clean up the floor again!
Still going through bouts of deep exhaustion interspersed with longer periods of vision, clarity and energy as I begin to integrate back into my home after being away and on the move for so long. Four months of intensity during my travels back and forth to Utah, then driving across the country, down to FL, teaching workshops and driving back up north. Okay, I'm home- so let me be here now.
Here is a piece I came across this morning that is resonating.
Navigating The Four Elements