Drivin' Wheel

I have a lot to write about it but it’s past my bedtime and I might turn into a pumpkin so this will be a short one. I want to write about my Sanskrit workshop, I want to write about time spent in Paul Dobbe’s recording studio this past week…

But first… I want to share another one of my top ten favorite songs! And I have to share it now because I went to see Tom Rush tonight and he closed with it and it is hanging out in my consciousness. It is timeless. I remember when I first heard it- I was 15- up at my brother’s house in Vermont. It blew me away the first time. The whole album was one of the great albums of the era, to my mind- definitely on my lifetime list of top ten favorite albums. He covered a number of other people’s tunes on the album doing his own unforgettable renditions of each of them. Every song on the album is exquisite but there’s something about the heart and the intensity of this one that makes it even more special. It has never failed to bring tears to my eyes. Tonight was no different.

And again, it speaks of the power of music to bring us straight into our heart, letting all the other crap drop away for a while. It’s a cleansing. On one of the steps going up into concert venue tonight was emblazoned “Music is Truth.”

News From the Road

I am sitting at my good friends Mahesh and Mukta's house in Murphy, North Carolina. I arrived yesterday afternoon after a fabulous drive from New England over to I-81 through Virgina and then south and due west to Murphy. There was some alarm over an impending ice storm that was supposed to hit 81 at exactly the same time I was traveling on it but either it didn't happen I came in through the window. In any event, my drive was relatively painless with some extended periods of gratitude and bliss and lots of great music. Some of the highlights were Silvia Nakkach, Jai Uttal, and Tito la Rosa. There was lots more too but right now I am smelling delicious food cooking- kale and butternut squash and I am distracted. Mahesh can turn any ordinary vegetable into amazing Indian food! Yesterday when I arrived there was a pile of savory pancakes made from chickpea flour with grilled onions in them waiting for me- so delicious.

Not only that, but I walked into the house and one of my favorite songs by Tom Rush was playing. Not just that it's one of my favorites by Tom Rush- but I would say that if I had a top ten list of my favorite songs of all time, this would be on it. Feeling like I'm starting this trip in a good groove!

A very good groove- it's a been a week since I wrote that, maybe longer- I have been so busy I never got back to this!