Ideas and Inspirations

Inspiration: go to bed earlier so I can get up earlier in the morning since that is my most creative time.

Idea: A summer solstice party- Kirtan, Cookout and Croquet. This is definitely going to happen! Most likely Sunday, June 25 at 4 pm. :-)

Inspired Idea: Kirtan Kindergarten! For folks who want to get together for to share, learn and teach their favorite chants or ones they have perhaps never heard before!

Idea: Make short weekly sound meditation videos.

Inspiration: Finish sound healing book!

Idea: Make smaller workbooks for different courses.

Inspiration: Ongoing sound healing meditation group

Inspired idea: Offer one on one sound healing retreats... Very healing!

Idea: Advertise sound healing sessions to Airbnb guests

Inspiration: post post post (thank you Sparky!)

Inspired Idea: Monthly workshops- this is a must!

Idea: Make video of a sound healing session complete with inner vision

Now: Sleep sleep sleep... Goodnight...