“Where this Child shall go is holy ground.”
That is a line from Lesson 182 in A Course In Miracles. The lesson is “I will be still an instant and go home.” You can find it here if you want to read the entire lesson.
A few days ago I gave a friend a sound healing session. At one point I was sitting at her head doing some craniosacral work while the music was playing. I had my eyes closed and was in a fairly deep meditative state. At some point I opened my eyes and looked around the room, which is filled with sacred art, objects and instruments, and thought to myself, “This whole room is an altar.” I felt deep appreciation in the moment. The thought, or perhaps realization is a better word, that followed was “This whole earth is an altar.” It hit me as a truth, that everywhere we walk, every step we take, we are walking on holy ground. We only need to remember it. Whatever has been desecrated, in all the many ways that humanity is capable of, we have the capacity to consecrate it just as well- not necessarily even through a deed or an action- simply through our vision. We only need to remember it. We only need to see it. It is how we look at the earth that we walk upon that makes it sacred and holy.
I have read that lesson more times than I know and I never got it. It was something I hoped to experience but had never reached that place. This awareness has changed the way that I see the world around me- knowing that no matter where I am or what is gong on, that I am standing on holy ground. I am filled with awe and reverence and gratitude.