David Crosby Got It Right- Music Is Love

Guest staying at Paul and Jane's plays the hang drum. Got a sweet video of him playing tonight. It's all about music here. Paul loves music- bought a sound table from me 15 years ago. They have a sound healing room set up here. The sound therapist guest was synchronicity- and he happens to know a ton about hang drums and who the best people are to buy them from.

Tonight we watched The Intouchables- what a wonderful brilliant funny movie with the most beautiful soundtrack- music by Ludovico Einaudi, whom I had never heard of until two days ago when Paul was playing his music for me as we drove past fields and fields of tulips.

Speaking of which- it is so frustrating that only my "camera roll" is on here (my iPad) with one photograph. I have no idea why my photo stream is not accessible from my blog. Grrrr....

Well, I can post a great scene from The Intouchables anyway- not music by Einaudi however!
Meanwhile more people are committing to the various workshops I am teaching and several people have expressed an interest in private sound healing sessions- including Claudiu, the sound therapist who is staying here.

Everyone who came yesterday had extremely powerful experiences from the workshop, one of whom really seemed to have gotten a glimpse of "Home". I saw him today and he said the experience was still with him, so he plans to set up a private session. He was totally blissed out when I saw him.  today. The beautiful thing is not only how quickly music can elicit a deep and profound change within us, but how that change can stay with us.

Everyone knows that music is love...

Integrating Inspiration

I have had a long and fruitful day today which started off with a 3 1/2 hour meeting today with Lisel Woods, enterpreneur and small business consultant, discussing marketing strategies for my business. Nice that she is a devotee of Seth Godin! It has been so enjoyable meeting with her and getting some fresh perspectives and inspiration in thinking about ways to move forward. One of the ideas that came to me today was to offer 3-day sound immersion workshops for practitioners. They would be very small groups, a true intensive, for no more than 6 people at one time.

I am feeling very inspired but also very tired so tomorrow I will unravel some more of the inspiration that came to me today. I think I need to sleep on it-I feel like I will be able to integrate more of it with eyes closed!
Me resting on the Athena Table- a sound table with speakers built into it made by the Somatron Corporation-
I am actually lying here listening to some great music (Tulku by Jim Wilson),
feeling the vibrations through my whole body!

Chill Music

I came across a similar video earlier today and was fascinated by it- stunning, both visually and sonically. I couldn't access it to upload but you can click here to watch it. I had seen some of the instruments before- the percussion ones and the horns but the cello and harp knocked me out! So beautiful... such extraordinary sounds.
As for some of my other personal inspiration today, I met with a woman whom I had "randomly" met in the grocery store last week. She has a very entrepreneurial spirit and has started a number of great businesses locally, one of them being one of the best restaurants in Newport- cool, funky and eclectic with consistently great food for over 20 years. We were discussing her latest venture, which is helping other small businesses get off the ground. After about five minutes (yes, I'm a little slow) I said, "Well, maybe you could help me." Here I am reconfiguring my business which, in its most recent incarnation, was a sound healing center open to the public on a daily basis for 7 years. Now, after a three year period of transition, it is in my home and I am still in the process of discerning what parts of the old formula I can use, what new pieces can be integrated, and what is to be either eliminated from the equation or transformed in some way to accomodate the space I am now in. So yes, I can use some help from a seasoned and successful entrepreneur who has both vision and know how in putting it all together

So she came out to my house, had a ride on the sound table (which she loved- surprise, surprise!) and we spent three hours discussing the numerous projects that I would like to bring to fruition- my private sessions, my book, traveling and teaching, offering individual sound healing retreats, integrating Expressive Art Therapy into my session work, creating short videos, recordings and more. (The "more" is still a secret project!)

So, I am excited!