
My friend Walter sent me an article a while back about music therapy. In it neuroscientists said that listening to this song by Marconi Union results in up to a 65% decrease in overall anxiety and 35% decrease in the usual physiological resting rates. After reading the article I decided to test the theory and play it for myself at bedtime. It worked like a dream! I was asleep a few short minutes into the song and slept soundly. 

Not only a great song but a very cool and beautiful video- and for sure the best use of drones! It also reminded me that I need to get some of their music for VibroAcoustic Therapy. I have one compilation CD with a track by them that I use on the Soundweaver, "These European Cities", very effective for deep relaxation and transporting one quickly to an altogether different realm of consciousness. It's one of my favorite pieces for the Soundweaver.

If you missed the link above click here to see full article: Neuroscience Says Listening to This Song

Soundweaver VibroAcoustic Environment. Client is lying on a Somatron Body Mat with 4 speakers built into it, overhead speakers and a subwoofer underneath the table as well for extra clarity and surround sound experience. She is literally receiving a…

Soundweaver VibroAcoustic Environment. Client is lying on a Somatron Body Mat with 4 speakers built into it, overhead speakers and a subwoofer underneath the table as well for extra clarity and surround sound experience. She is literally receiving a cellular musical massage through the vibrotactile effect of the speakers in the mat. VibroAcoustic Sound Therapy is not only deeply relaxing and enjoyable on the physical level, but can also be life-changing.

Contact Wholistic Sound for more information or to book a private session or weekend sound healing retreat.

Words of Love and the Land of Nod

I have not posted as frequently lately, but that is because I have spent so much of time actually immersed in sound that I have not had time to write lately!

These tools are so powerful. I have been doing this work for so many years and it never ceases to amaze me. Today I gave an oncology patient a session with the tuning forks and she had a really great experience and felt wonderful afterward.

Last night I was up very late going through old journals reading testimonials from 1995 when I first started working with the Dreamweaver vibroacoustic environment all the way up to 2011- the last year I had the sound healing center.

Here is a very short one from a 7 year old girl who had a five-minute session about 20 years ago:


I was around a wall but the people were out side.
I was dancing inside the wall.
Thank you"... /

So cute!

Another from 1999:

The loving healing you offered me was just what I needed. The earth toned embryo at the end will stay in my mind's eye forever.
I feel reborn!
Thank you for your love and unconditional healing"...

And a very sweet poem that my friend Joyce was inspired to write after her session a few years ago:

"Now I lay me down to breath
      Search my soul for what it needs
As sound is seen
And vision heard
      I soar within
            On God's word
                    Truth is there
                    My spirits free
      Please come back on earth with me."

Two nights ago I couldn't get to sleep so once again I decided to use the brain tuners, which have never failed me yet. Same old story- I tapped the fundamental and the one that goes with it to create a delta frequency and sure enough about 30 seconds later I put them down on the bed next to me and went straight off to sleep!

Integrating Inspiration

I have had a long and fruitful day today which started off with a 3 1/2 hour meeting today with Lisel Woods, enterpreneur and small business consultant, discussing marketing strategies for my business. Nice that she is a devotee of Seth Godin! It has been so enjoyable meeting with her and getting some fresh perspectives and inspiration in thinking about ways to move forward. One of the ideas that came to me today was to offer 3-day sound immersion workshops for practitioners. They would be very small groups, a true intensive, for no more than 6 people at one time.

I am feeling very inspired but also very tired so tomorrow I will unravel some more of the inspiration that came to me today. I think I need to sleep on it-I feel like I will be able to integrate more of it with eyes closed!
Me resting on the Athena Table- a sound table with speakers built into it made by the Somatron Corporation-
I am actually lying here listening to some great music (Tulku by Jim Wilson),
feeling the vibrations through my whole body!